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40 % FLIR ETS320

FLIR ETS320 er et smart lille 320x240 pixel termokamera, der er monteret på en justerbar søjle. Kameraets fokus er fast indstillet på 70mm, med den justerbare søjle tilpasser du afstanden til den/de komponenter du ønsker at se på. Den indbyggede 3” LCD skærm viser temperaturspænd, aktuel temperatur på et målespot og max/min temperatur indenfor en boks. Ønsker du at se billederne på en større skærm, kan du streame termobilledet fra kameraet til den medfølgende FLIR Thermal Studio ”Starter” + software til Windows. Ønsker du at se temperaturudvikling over tid, kan du optage termografisk video til efterfølgende dokumentation eller fejlfinding - og det er super nemt at bruge.

ETS320 er et super brugbart og nemt tilgængeligt værktøj for eksempelvis ingeniører og teknikere, som arbejder med udvikling, produktion, kvalitetskontrol, test eller fejlfinding/service på printkort i elektronikindustrien. Passer du ind i denne kategori, er ETS320 absolut værd at se nærmere på.

Med ETS320 er det nemt at sammenligne varmeudviklingen på et fungerende printkort med et defekt, og i mange tilfælde vil denne sammenligning hurtigt lede frem til fejlen på det defekte kort. Opbygger du et ”bibliotek” af varmebilleder på de forskellige printkort, som du arbejder med, vil det efterfølgende være nemt, at finde fejl relateret til varmeudvikling på kortene. Men der er mange andre muligheder med ETS320 – i udviklingsafdelingen er det nemt at skanne et printkort for uhensigtsmæssig varmeudvikling, denne test kan spare mange timer, fordi du kan afbryde kredsløbet inden komponenterne brænder af på grund af for høj varme.

Varmeudvikling på tætmonterede printkort bliver mange gange til et problem, når printkortet bliver monteret og sat i drift – resultatet kan være periodiske fejl, som er svære at lokalisere. Med ETS320 kan du allerede på udviklingsniveau kontrollere, at komponenterne befinder sig indenfor producentens temperaturspecifikationer.

Alle taler om dokumentation i disse tider - med FLIR ETS320 og FLIR Thermal Studio ”Starter” analyse/rapport software kan du både gemme og analysere stillbilleder eller termografisk video. På den måde er det nemt at se og følge udviklingen fra den ene generation af printkort til den næste.

FLIR ETS320 leveres komplet og klar til brug med kamera, justerbar søjle, strømforsyning, USB kabel, FLIR Thermal Studio ”Starter” + software licens og manual.

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EAN 4743254002913

EL-NR 6398740173

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21.368,00 DKK

12.820,00 DKK Excl. moms

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FLIR MIO-AX8-7 P/N T130087

Output and Analysis Options

The MIO offers Ethernet/IP and Modbus TCP compliant analysis and alarm results that can easily be shared to a programmable logic controller. The system includes image masking that highlights relevant areas for analysis, or you can output an analog 4 to 20 mA current loop signal per each region of interest, for process control options.

FLIR Systems, Inc. is proud to be the exclusive, world-wide distributor for the MIO Series™ line of products from MoviTHERM. This intelligent new I/O solution allows FLIR customers to combine the FLIR AX8, A310, and FC-Series R cameras with the MIO for a complete, robust system for condition monitoring, early fire detection, and process monitoring.

MIO is compact, with turnkey design that makes it easy to combine modules to support more than 100 units.

Configure MIO via the built-in web server, so there’s no need for a separate PC or custom computer software.

MIO supports a variety of FLIR thermal imaging temperature sensors, including the A310, the AX8, and the FC-Series.


FLIR Camera Supported FLIR A310
4-20 mA Transmitter Channels 8 CH, loop powered, isolated
Ethernet Connectivity 100BASE-T


Enclosure Material ABS
Maximum Cameras 1


Digital Output Current 0.5 A per channel, 1.5 A all channels
Digital Output Voltage 10-30 VDC
Maximum Power Consumption 3 W

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FLIR MIO-AX8-7 P/N T130087

EAN 5706445881222

EL-NR 6398742375

RING FOR PRIS +45 7022 1000

FLIR A35 (45°) P/N 83207-0102

The FLIR Ax5-Series of thermal imaging temperature sensors offers comprehensive visual temperature monitoring for process control/quality assurance applications as  well as condition monitoring and fire prevention. The A35 and A65 integrate seamlessly into existing systems and are the only thermal imaging temperature sensors on the market to provide temperature linear output through GenICam™ compliant software.

The A35 and A65 are accurate non-contact temperature sensors enhanced with the rich detail of thermal imaging. They’re sensitive enough to make temperature  differences as small as 50 mK clearly visible. The series offers ten field of view options for greater control over the measurement area, and can operate in temperatures up to 140°F (60°C).

The A35 and A65 are at the forefront of digital communications, with GigE Vision™ compatibility and GenICam™ protocol support for seamless integration with Cognex, National Instruments, and other top machine vision systems. These cameras stream 320 x 256 or 640 x 512 thermal images at up to 60 Hz directly to your system, for instant data analysis. The Ax5-Series supports easy synchronization between cameras for stereoscopic applications.

The Ax5-Series cameras are compact for easy installation into electrical cabinets and other small spaces. They offer a GigE Vision lockable connector as well as the convenience and flexibility of Power over Ethernet (PoE). With a robust design meant to withstand harsh conditions, these cameras are ideal tools for any automation of machine vision environment. 

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FLIR A35 (45°) P/N 83207-0102

EAN 7332558013120

EL-NR 6398742016

RING FOR PRIS +45 7022 1000

FLIR MIO-A310-7 P/N T130091

Output and Analysis Options

The MIO offers Ethernet/IP and Modbus TCP compliant analysis and alarm results that can easily be shared to a programmable logic controller. The system includes image masking that highlights relevant areas for analysis, or you can output an analog 4 to 20 mA current loop signal per each region of interest, for process control options.

FLIR Systems, Inc. is proud to be the exclusive, world-wide distributor for the MIO Series™ line of products from MoviTHERM. This intelligent new I/O solution allows FLIR customers to combine the FLIR AX8, A310, and FC-Series R cameras with the MIO for a complete, robust system for condition monitoring, early fire detection, and process monitoring.

MIO is compact, with turnkey design that makes it easy to combine modules to support more than 100 units.

Configure MIO via the built-in web server, so there’s no need for a separate PC or custom computer software.

MIO supports a variety of FLIR thermal imaging temperature sensors, including the A310, the AX8, and the FC-Series.


FLIR Camera Supported FLIR A310
4-20 mA Transmitter Channels 8 CH, loop powered, isolated
Ethernet Connectivity 100BASE-T


Enclosure Material ABS
Maximum Cameras 1


Digital Output Current 0.5 A per channel, 1.5 A all channels
Digital Output Voltage 10-30 VDC
Maximum Power Consumption 3 W

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FLIR MIO-A310-7 P/N T130091

EAN 5706445881215

EL-NR 6398742362

RING FOR PRIS +45 7022 1000

FLIR A35sc P/N 73309-0102

FLIR A35 Bench Test Thermal Kit Camera

  • A35 thermal camera
  • Manual focus 48° on A35
  • ResearchIR: Real-time image/data logging and plotting software
  • Camera tripod adapter for locked-down targeting
  • PoE injector (Power over ethernet)

The FLIR Ax5-Series of thermal imaging temperature sensors offers comprehensive visual temperature monitoring for process control/quality assurance applications as  well as condition monitoring and fire prevention. The A35 and A65 integrate seamlessly into existing systems and are the only thermal imaging temperature sensors on the market to provide temperature linear output through GenICam™ compliant software.

The A35 and A65 are accurate non-contact temperature sensors enhanced with the rich detail of thermal imaging. They’re sensitive enough to make temperature  differences as small as 50 mK clearly visible. The series offers ten field of view options for greater control over the measurement area, and can operate in temperatures up to 140°F (60°C).

The A35 and A65 are at the forefront of digital communications, with GigE Vision™ compatibility and GenICam™ protocol support for seamless integration with Cognex, National Instruments, and other top machine vision systems. These cameras stream 320 x 256 or 640 x 512 thermal images at up to 60 Hz directly to your system, for instant data analysis. The Ax5-Series supports easy synchronization between cameras for stereoscopic applications.

The Ax5-Series cameras are compact for easy installation into electrical cabinets and other small spaces. They offer a GigE Vision lockable connector as well as the convenience and flexibility of Power over Ethernet (PoE). With a robust design meant to withstand harsh conditions, these cameras are ideal tools for any automation of machine vision environment. 


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FLIR A35sc P/N 73309-0102

EAN 7332558010570

EL-NR 6398742029

RING FOR PRIS +45 7022 1000

Elma tilbyder ikke kun markeds største udvalg af håndholdte termokameraer, vi tilbyder også en serie af stationære termokameraer. Et termokamera måler overfladetemperaturen / varmeforskelle på de materialer, der bliver "fotograferet". Forskellige temperaturer vises som forskellige farver. Termografering er derfor også en praktisk metode for kontrol, overvågning og dokumentation ved f.eks. processer, produktionslinjer, bygninger og arealer. 

I sortimentet finder du alt lige fra det lille stand alone termokamera til større netværksløsninger. Kontakt Elma Instruments for et løsnings forslag.