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FLIR Elara Thermal Security Cameras

Elara™ FC-Series O

The Elara™ FC-Series O thermal security camera is one of FLIR’s premium thermal security cameras for perimeter protection. The Elara FC-Series O integrates with external video analytics devices, such as FLIR’s TRK or third party solutions, to classify human or vehicular intrusions. The Elara FC-Series O also offers a wide range of high-performance lenses, with a choice of resolutions, offering greater flexibility for tailoring security systems to specific site conditions.

Elara™ FB-Series ID

The FLIR Elara™ FB-Series ID thermal security camera uses onboard analytics to classify human or vehicular intrusions, making it ideal for perimeter intrusion detection and sterile-zone monitoring. The Elara™ FB-Series ID can also hand off classified intrusions to FLIR PTZ cameras for autonomous tracking of intruders. Easy to set up, Elara™ FB-Series provide reliable detection with low false alarm rates in challenging environments, bad weather, and complete darkness.


The Elara FC-Series ID is a premium FLIR thermal security camera for perimeter protection. The Elara FC-Series ID includes onboard video analytics capable of classifying human or vehicular intrusions, resulting in fewer false alarms.The Elara FC-Series ID also offers a wide range of high-performance lenses and multiple resolutions, giving greater flexibility in tailoring security systems to specific site conditions.

Elara™ FC-Series O

The Elara™ FC-Series O thermal security camera is one of FLIR’s premium thermal security cameras for perimeter protection. The Elara FC-Series O integrates with external video analytics devices, such as FLIR’s TRK or third party solutions, to classify human or vehicular intrusions. The Elara FC-Series O also offers a wide range of high-performance lenses, with a choice of resolutions, offering greater flexibility for tailoring security systems to specific site conditions.

ELARA™ FC-Series R

The Elara FC-Series R thermal imaging camera features non-contact temperature measurement capabilities for fire detection, safety, and thermal monitoring of substations, waste disposal, and valuable equipment. The Elara FC-Series R combines state-of-the-art image detail and reliable radiometric detection. Flexible alarming options include email, web and mobile apps, edge image storage, digital outputs, or VMS event notifications.

FLIR Elara DX-Series

The FLIR Elara™ DX-Series multispectral pan/tilt/zoom (PTZ) security camera provides full situational awareness in the most punishing environments. Combining thermal and visible light imagers, the Elara DX-Series gives operators the ability to monitor large areas in complete darkness, glaring light, and adverse weather. The exceptional detection and identification capabilities of multispectral cameras help integrators provide solutions for challenging imaging problems at critical infrastructure sites and remote facilities.

FLIR Elara™ FR-345-EST

The FLIR Elara FR-345-EST is an affordable, fixed-mount radiometric camera for accurately measuring skin temperature at medium- to high-throughput entry control points. Equipped with on-edge, intelligent face detection, Elara FR-345-EST issues on-screen prompts to individuals when they need to remove glasses, while also guiding them to the correct position for best measurement. The non-contact camera automatically locates and measures the inner canthus (corner of the eye) within one second and provides an instant pass/fail graphic to the individual. Integration with VMS systems further streamlines workflow and decision-making for facilities, while helping security personnel maintain a safe distance from potential health risks. Elara FR-345-EST does not require or save personally identifiable information (PII) for skin temperature screening.



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FLIR Elara Thermal Security Cameras

EAN 108818

RING FOR PRIS +45 7022 1000

FLIR Triton Thermal Security Cameras


Security professionals around the world have been using FLIR thermal cameras for perimeter and critical asset security for years. Facility Operations and Safety personnel have been using FLIR cameras to gather non-contact temperature measurements and condition monitoring data for decades. A310F and A310PT cameras are the first in the world to combine thermal and visible light video security imaging with automated safety monitoring based on the detection of temperature measurement thresholds.

Triton™ F-Series ID

The FLIR Triton™ F-Series ID thermal security cameras set the new standard of perimeter protection for critical infrastructure. The Triton F-Series ID features best-in-class thermal imaging detail and high-performance onboard analytics for classifying human or vehicular intrusions. FLIR’s premium line offers five models with full 640 × 480 thermal resolution, longer detection ranges, and better analytics performance than ever before.

Triton™ PT-Series HD

The FLIR Triton™ PT-Series HD is our most advanced dual-sensor security system, combining a cooled or uncooled 640 × 480 resolution thermal sensor, a 1080p HD visible-light imaging sensor, and a high speed, precision pan/tilt system. The Triton PT-Series HD integrates easily with FLIR United VMS 8.0, as well as other major third party video management systems, making it an extremely versatile solution for critical infrastructure protection in total darkness, bright sun, and adverse conditions.



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FLIR Triton Thermal Security Cameras

EAN 108820

RING FOR PRIS +45 7022 1000

Termisk overvågning

Et termisk kamera måler overfladetemperatur og varmeforskelle på materialer, og ”fotograferer” i stillbilleder. Et termisk overvågningskamera ”fotograferer” derimod i levende billeder gennem en termisk billedsensor.

Hos Elma fører vi markedets mest avancerede modeller fra sikkerhedsproducenten Teledyne FLIR, som har over 50 års erfaring med infrarød teknologi. 

I sortimentet har Elma både ”rene” termiske overvågningskameraer med termisk detektor, men også kombinerede kameraer med både termisk og optisk detektor. Fordelen ved et overvågningskamera med både termisk og optisk detektor er, at både dag og nat har man et brugbart output fra kameraet.

Hvor og hvordan bruges termisk overvågning?

Termisk overvågning bruges typisk til perimeter sikring som evt. er kombineret med en tyverialarm, overvågning på byggepladser, lufthavne eller havnemoler for at opdage personer der falder i vandet.

Termografering er velegnet til kontrol, fejlsøgning og dokumentation af bygninger, maskiner og installationer. 


Termisk overvågning til erhverv

Termisk overvågning kan også bruges i forbindelse med brandovervågning på boreplatforme, olieraffinaderier og oplagringspladser af affald eller andre materialer der er letantændelige.

Termisk overvågning er oplagt i forbindelse med maskiner og produktion, hvor man ønsker at kontrollere et emnes temperatur gennem et produktionsforløb. 

Mange gange ønsker man i forbindelse med produktion at tilføje en styring af processen afhængigt af input fra det termiske kamera – i denne situation bruger man et termisk automation-kamera i stedet for et termisk overvågningskamera.


Vi har dybdegående specialistviden om termisk overvågning 

De termiske overvågningskameraer findes typisk i forskellige udgaver indenfor samme kameraserie, hvor forskellen er den termiske detektors opløsning og den medfølgende linse. Det er vigtigt, at linsen er tilpasset områdets størrelse samt afstand til området man ønsker at overvåge

Elma har specialister siddende klar ved telefonerne, som kan vejlede og beregne hvilket kamera og linse der vil være optimalt for den givne opgave – giv os et kald, og få en snak om termisk overvågning.


Termisk overvågning til privat brug

Overvejer du termisk overvågning i forbindelse med privat bolig, findes der termiske overvågningskameraer i den prisgunstige ende, men løsningen vil selvfølgelig være dyrere end almindelig videoovervågning – giv os et kald, så giver vi bud på et løsningsforslag tilpasset dit behov. 


Har du brug for hjælp?

Hos Elma har vi mere end 50 års erfaring med udvikling, rådgivning og service inden for måleudstyr af enhver art. Er du i tvivl om, hvad der er det rigtige for dig – så tøv ikke med at kontakte os i dag!

Kontakt os på e-mail:

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