Pris filtre



Phantom T4040

EAN 1033610

RING FOR PRIS +45 7022 1000

Phantom TMX6410

The Phantom TMX 6410 utilizes a back side illuminated CMOS sensor designed for high-speed imaging. The 64 Gigapixel throughput allows for extreme frame rate speeds that are capable of delivering up to 1.5M fps with a 95ns minimum exposure time with our FAST option. All frame rates are actual data, with no interpolation, for the most accurate results. This is only possible because of the advancements of utilizing back side illuminated sensors in high-speed imaging.  In BSI sensors, the metal components that can block incident light from the photodiodes are located in the back of the sensor, and can be designed to reduce processing overheads, making the power of a TMX possible. 

At the full 1 Mpx resolution of 1280 x 800 the TMX 6410 records at almost 66,000 fps.  The 6410 provides larger resolutions than possible before for applications needing high frame rates. For example, the 6410 can reach over 300,000 fps at 1280 x 160 or 640 x 320 (binned). These incredible speeds mean that data management is vital to ensuring as little downtime as possible. Like other TMX models up to 512GB of onboard RAM and the Phantom CineMag (non-volatile storage) data management options are available. 

The TMX 6410 has access to all of the traditional Phantom features that make camera use easy.  Both on-camera controls and compatibility with our Phantom Camera Control software assist in ensuring that researchers of a variety of industries and applications have the tools they need to make their experiments a success. 

Interchangeable lens mounts (PL, C, M42 and Canon EOS) are also available to help customize the same camera to a variety of application needs.

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Phantom TMX6410

EAN 1033614

RING FOR PRIS +45 7022 1000

Phantom TMX7510

The Phantom TMX 7510 is the world's first high-speed camera to utilize back side illumination. Implementing this technology has allowed Vision Research engineers to develop a custom sensor capable of unprecedented speeds without sacrificing the image quality that Phantom cameras are known for. 

BSI technology provides increased processing efficiency, allowing TMX cameras to maintain their high throughput levels even as frame rates increase. The TMX 7510 has 75 Gigapixel throughput which can provide over 76,000 fps at a full 1 Mpx resolution of 1280 x 800.  At reduced resolutions the camera will record at over 770,000 fps in standard mode and up to 1.75M fps and 95ns in with the FAST mode. 

One truth of high-speed imaging that never changes is that, 'with increased speeds comes the need for increased light'. The unique back side illuminated sensor found in the Phantom TMX 7510 deals with this issue by locating the metal parts of a traditional sensor that interfere with incident light to the photodiode to the back of the sensor. Moving those key elements to the back of the sensor allows even more light to reach each pixel, improving light sensitivity and QE. 

This revolutionary platform is part of a generation of cameras that deliver greater throughput, premium features, and enhanced performance. Flexibility is key to ensuring that the TMX 7510 is capable of producing images that scientific analysts require.  The ability to select binning mode allows for a variety of resolutions without sacrificing speed. In standard mode the TMX 7510 can reach over 300,000 fps at 1280 x 192 (long, thin rectangle), but if switched into binning mode the same speeds are possible at 640 x 384 (shorter and wider rectangle). The difference in resolution options means that researchers are better able to fit the camera sensor output to the size and shape of their high-speed event.  These incredible speeds mean that data management is vital to ensuring as little downtime as possible. The Phantom TMX 7510 has up to 512GB of onboard RAM, can be fitted to use our custom non-volatile data storage, the Phantom CineMag, and comes equipped with 10Gb Ethernet download as a standard. All of these workflow tools are available on every TMX. 

Like most Phantom cameras the TMX 7510 has interchangeable lens mounts (PL, C, M42 and Canon EOS) which enables the use of high quality and specialized optics without limitation. The camera mount can be customized for each particular test as needed. 

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Phantom TMX7510

EAN 1033615

RING FOR PRIS +45 7022 1000

Phantom MIRO C211

The Phantom C211 camera reinvents the capabilities of our popular C-Series cameras for industrial environments. The high performance sensor delivers over 2,540 FPS at 720p HD while maintaining the compact and housing requirements of a Phantom C-Series camera. This makes our imaging solutions accessible by researchers in a larger variety of applications and more in-depth research. 

Maximum data collection is possible through our renowned high image quality and standard features like quiet fans and Image-Based-Auto-Trigger(IBAT).  IBAT allows camera operators to set parameters that will trigger the automatic capture of an event based on real-time image analysis.

The combination of a small 5.6 micron pixel sensor and a C-mount lens mount means that this camera can extend into laboratory settings and be mounted to a microscope. The increased versatility of both mounted and unmounted use and low price point make the Phantom C211 a high-speed camera that is perfect for entry level use. 

Phantom camera users can benefit from the Phantom support and community.  We are the premiere high-speed camera company, our history and dedication to the industry has also made us the largest global company. Our case studies, white papers, and application resources offer valuable information. Speaking with our highly skilled support and application engineers, or attending a Phantom Academy can help a camera operator ensure that they and their company are receiving the most out of their investment.

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Phantom MIRO C211

EAN 1033624

RING FOR PRIS +45 7022 1000

Højhastighedskamera eller high-speed kamera

Et kamera, som tager mange billeder i sekundet, bliver i daglig tale kaldt et højhastighedskamera eller et high-speed kamera. Denne type kamera anvendes i mange forskellige brancher og industrier og anvendes bl.a. inden for: forskning, tv-produktion, produktudvikling-/analyse, fejlfinding i produktion m.m.

Afhængig af applikation anvendes højhastighedskameraer med forskellige specifikationer. Afhængig af kamera model kan der optages op til 1.000.000 billeder i sekundet (fps) og nye modeller kan optage i en opløsning op i 4K.

Vores primære leverandør af højhastighedskameraer er firmaet Vision Research, som producerer Phantom High-Speed kameraer. Vision Research ejes af AMETEK gruppen. Alle deres kameraer produceres i USA og firmaet er markedets førende producent af high-speed kameraer.

Når der skal indkøbes et højhastighedskamera, er den vigtigste beslutning at tage stilling til i hvilken hastighed og kameraopløsning, kameraet skal optage i, og hvor længe man ønsker at optage. Kameraer leveres uden linse, men leveres med det ”mount”, man ønsker.

Hos Elma har vi stor erfaring i levering af kameraer, og vi kan altid hjælpe med at finde det kamera, som passer bedst til jeres applikation.


Markedets mest avancerede højhastighedskameraer

Elma kan levere high-speed kameraer til de fleste opgaver – sortimentet dækker kameraer med forskellige opløsninger, hastigheder og forskellige løsninger i forbindelse med lagring af de optagne high-speed optagelser.

Brug af højhastighedskameraer

Højhastighedskameraer optager billeder med ekstremt høje hastigheder. De bruges ofte i produktionslinjer i f.eks. medicinal-, fødevare- og fremstillingsindustrier. På grund af den høje billedhastighed, ”fryser” kameraet situationer der er umulige at se/gennemskue med det blotte øje. Dermed er det muligt at fejlfinde og forbedre effektiviteten og rentabiliteten af en produktionslinje.

Køb af et high-speed kamera, vil i de fleste tilfælde betyde en grundig gennemgang af opgaven, hvor man gennemgår de ønskede kravspecifikationer – på den måde kan Elma anbefale det helt rigtige kamera til opgaven. Vigtige parametre er kameraets nødvendige hastighed for at ”fryse” situationer, opløsning, hukommelse, objektiv brændvidde og foretrukken objektiv fatning. En vigtig parameter er også lys – en high-speed optagelse kræver typisk meget lys fra ekstern(e) lampe(r).

High-speed bruges til at løse flere og flere opgaver i industrien, og da kameraerne i dag kan købes med høj opløsning, bruges de også i underholdningsindustrien til super slowmotion eller til at ”fryse” events, som skal gennemses eller bruges til senere dokumentation.