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Ofil DayCor Rail HD Corona kamera

Automatic & Autonomous Inspection System for Railways Electrical Networks.

DayCor® RailHD is an automatic autonomous corona and arcing partial discharge detection system designed for fast inspection of electrified railways. The system inspects, displays, processes, records and generates reports for prognosis of the electrical traction condition. RAIL HD is offered as a package of one or more UV sensors, a powerful processor bundeled with coronaCatch reporting software.

Corona indicates underlying chemical and electrical processes that damage insulation, corrode metal end fittings and accelerate aging. Moreover, corona indicates hazardous situations and in the case of mass transportation should be detected on time. DayCor® RAIL HD ensures the detection and pinpointing of corona occurrences along the inspected overhead electrical lines.

DayCor® RAIL HD is a comprehensive inspection solution that integrates data collection, data management and decision support. The system includes one or more solar blind UV detection cameras, a processing unit, an array of hard drives, a monitor and dedicated reporting software. The corona detection units are mounted on the testing wagon roof in a shielded compartment, directed towards the railway overhead installations. The system’s wide field of view enables scanning wide area to maximize the efficiency of inspections Throughout the cruise the cameras scan the lines and record the visible and the UV channels. At the end of a ride, a report is automatically generated providing links to cases of corona, time of occurrence, ambient conditions and the exact location. Every installed system has a tailor-made configuration that fits the special architecture and conditions of the hosting system.

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Ofil DayCor Rail HD Corona kamera

EAN 1033910

EL-NR 1033910

RING FOR PRIS +45 7022 1000

Ofil DayCor Rom HD Corona kamera

EAN 1033912

EL-NR 1033912

RING FOR PRIS +45 7022 1000

Ofil DayCor Luminar-HD Corona kamera

EAN 5706445339051

RING FOR PRIS +45 7022 1000

Corona er en ny teknologi til fejlfinding og servicering på højspændingsapplikationer. Ultraviolette Corona udladninger opstår ved en ionisering af gasser, som findes i luften ved højspændings eller elektrostatiske felter. Corona opstår især omkring dårlige komponenter og dårlige forbindelser og vil forkorte komponenternes og installationens levetid.

Corona er usynligt for det menneskelige øje og kan kun ses med kameraer, som er specielt designet til at vise udladninger, i det lysspektrum som Corona kan ses i. Med de nye Ofil DayCor® detekterings kameraer kan man nu i dagslys og på stor afstand se potentielle problemer og dermed udføre nødvendig service.